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IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
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Beitrag #11
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
Reading sections are actually in the works as we speak. This will probably take more time to accomplish because making things more organized is the main challenge, but I do add decent reading sections every now and then, though primarily in intermediate and advanced lessons. I wish I could do all of these things instantly, but my body and time doesn't cooperate. Keep checking in and you'll see those sections continue to pop up.
04.06.13 19:31
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Beiträge: 249
Beitrag #12
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
I'm really happy that I found this page. I'm looking forward to read through the lessons.

The page itself is amazing. You can see how much effort was and is still going to be put into it.
The practise exercises are amazing and although (like Foxy pointed out) the linguistic informations are some kind of overwhelming,
the general impression is great.

I like the way you introduce new 漢字 (i think it's still under construction because after L7 there is no further link).
It's a great way to learn important new words in a order.

Despite of the linguistic and complex grammatical information the manageability of the lessons seem to be ensured
(I deliberately left the word "easy" because learning a new language which is as "exotic" as Japanese can't be classified as "easy")

I read the lessons 1-5 and I'm enjoying to add your site to my learning material.

For the following additions to the lessons:
ありがとう ございます

(I hope my english isn't to devastating hoho )

It's in our nature to want to forget truths that keep us awake at night
04.06.13 23:42
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Beitrag #13
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
It's fine. Don't worry. If I could speak German, I would. Sadly, I can't. I think you will find the website even easier to understand and navigate in another month or so.
05.06.13 01:00
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Beiträge: 3.793
Beitrag #14
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
I bookmarked your page. I hope that I'll find the time to check it out soon.
I only had a quick look yesterday. grins

“A poet is a musician who can't sing.”
― Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind
05.06.13 20:22
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Beitrag #15
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
No worries. If you ever have any questions or concerns once you do go through it, I'm all ears and ready to help you. I'm aiming to become a Japanese professor. Although I do intend on teaching rather difficult courses, I do need experience in teaching at all lessons. So, much of what I'm doing now in my make-over project is coming from trial and error and thinking out what's best.
05.06.13 20:50
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Beiträge: 2
Beitrag #16
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
I'm so glad I found this site.
While we started Japanese in school (with a professor even, as it was a project by the university), we will most likely not be able to continue. I was searching for a structured site to improve my Japanese until I could go to university, thank you very, very much!

I really enjoy the clear structure and compact grammar with enough examples to make it absolutely clear. W
ill sign up and start learning right away. I needed some more vocabulary as well anyways.

I hope your career goes just as well zwinker
09.03.14 19:19
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IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
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