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IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
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Beiträge: 46
Beitrag #1
IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)

Bei der unendlichen Suche nach Lehrmaterialien bin ich vor Kurzem auf IMABI gestoßen - erstaunlich spät, wenn man allein den Inhalt dieser Seite bedenkt. Hier im Forum wurde sie auch schon vorgestellt (ich glaube, irgendwann 2011, wenn ich das richtig gesehen habe), aber leider nie wieder erwähnt. Deswegen möchte ich dieses, offenbar immernoch nicht vollendete Meisterwerk, mal zurück ins Gedächtnis rufen.

Wie schon angedeutet ist allein der Umfang gigantisch und geht, soweit ich als Anfänger das beurteilen kann, weit über die ersten Schritte hinaus. Der Autor ermutigt die Leser von Beginn an mit ひらがな, カタカナ und 漢字 zu arbeiten und geht dabei auch intensiv auf Aussprache und Betonung ein. Zudem sind die einzelnen Lektionen sehr ausführlich - manchmal ein wenig zu sehr. Leider wird es sehr schnell sehr technisch, was dann schon über das Erlernen einer Sprache hinaus und in die Linguistik hinein geht. Das macht die Nutzung als Lehrbuch schwer für mich (ich mach das lieber mehr nach Bauchgefühl) und für Menschen, deren Englisch nicht über das Mittelmaß hinaus reicht.
Als Referenz oder zur Vertiefung des Erlernten finde ich die Seite jedoch hervorragend - vorausgesetzt, man ist der englischen Sprache mächtig.
04.06.13 14:08
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Beitrag #2
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
With the aid of google translate, I was able to read. Hi, I'm 今日さん, as I'm called. I'm very pleased to see nice comments about it. I am, though, trying to make the site easier. If there is ever a time you feel that the site is too difficult, please tell me your concerns. My goal for this summer is to make it incredibly easier, and I've already done major work.

As far as "linguistic" terminology, all terms are explained, but terms that people with a high school education in English should know usually don't. I always try to find easier ways to say things, so I'm sure even the places that you found difficult won't be so in the near future.

Thanks for taking a look at my work, and I wish you the best of luck in your studies. 頑張ってくださいね!
04.06.13 17:28
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Woa de Lodela

Beiträge: 1.539
Beitrag #3
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
I just saw your website and I found it very good. You even have lessons about idioms and yojijukugo as well as about verbal suffixes like -bam.u. Great! The thing is that there are not so many good textbooks for advanced learners of Japanese out there.
04.06.13 17:43
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Beiträge: 216
Beitrag #4
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
It would be great, if you could offer the content from your website as an iPad- or Android-App.

There aren't any good Japanese grammar dictionaries for the iPad out there.
Your app could cost up to $ 20 and I believe, that this would improve the funding of your work much more than the donations.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.06.13 17:53 von tc1970.)
04.06.13 17:52
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Beitrag #5
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
Maybe in the future when things are more finalized. I would hate to have to send so many updates to an app when the site is still heavily under construction. The goal right now is to reorganize things and allow for more grammar points to have their own lessons.
04.06.13 18:02
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Beiträge: 1.727
Beitrag #6
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
Hello Imabi
Your site looks very interesting. I've added it to my favorites list. Great work!

Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth
04.06.13 18:29
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Beiträge: 46
Beitrag #7
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
I'm glad to see how much you care for your work and your readers.

I don't think, it's too difficult. But the amount of information can be very confusing, even intimidating if you are a beginner. Using the current lesson about pronouns as an example: I don't think, it's necessary to teach that many first person pronouns right in the beginning. 僕 and 私 (わたし) are just fine at that level. The other variants can be taught over time. You don't even need to group them together in a lesson. Just use one in whichever example sentence it fits into. You could give your readers the assignment to look it up themselves to give them more confidence in their skills and encourage them to be more independent.

I really like your site. You can really see all the hard work you put into it, even while it's a work in progress. Thank you for that and your encouragement.
04.06.13 18:51
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Beitrag #8
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
I have extensive plans on breaking up material at all levels of the site, but this will take a lot of time and space created to do the moving. Pronouns is one section that is planned to be made its own lesson(s), more likely at least two as the "reflexive pronouns" section has already been moved and made its own. Counters, number information, some sections in the Kanji section and adverb lesson, etc. are all areas that are scheduled to become their own lessons by the end of the month. Even though I have been isolating and expanding upon an average of 5 items a day, it will take significantly more hours before this piece of advice can be fully addressed.

I hope you continue to watch what's happening and see how well things turn out.
04.06.13 19:08
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Beiträge: 46
Beitrag #9
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
(04.06.13 19:08)imabi schrieb:  I hope you continue to watch what's happening and see how well things turn out.

I don't have much of a choice, since you made me even more curious zwinker
04.06.13 19:14
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Beiträge: 1.727
Beitrag #10
RE: IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
You have a lot of grammar exercises. Learning grammar is necessary, but tough and somehow exhausting. I would like to see some exercise texts to read which would make learning a bit more fun. Simple and short texts for beginners, and longer and more demanding texts for advanced learners.

Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth
04.06.13 19:27
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IMABI (ein englisches online Lehrbuch)
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